The ambassador of peace in the world, Ibrahim El-Majzoub, prays to the King of Peace, Jesus Christ, an hour on the night of his birth, to look at the shadows of Lebanon with mercy and peace, and congratulate the Lebanese on Christmas




On this blessed night, the ambassador of peace in the world, Dr. Ibrahim Majzoub, prays to Christ at the hour of the night of his birth, asking the Savior of humanity to look into the ruined situation of Lebanon and its afflicted people, and to save this dear country and this beloved people from hell and the torment that exists under the fait accompli that was imposed exclusively by sectarian conferences and treaties. And civil wars, warlords, and parties of authority of corruption, injustice, oppression and looting, hoping that the Master of the cradle would rid us of the symbols of corruption, tyranny and dictatorship.


On this occasion, Ambassador Ibrahim Majzoub extends his warmest congratulations and blessings to all Lebanese residents and expatriates and from all Western sects in general on the birthday of Jesus Christ. Except for God’s ability to unleash its wonders, stifle the ruling class, achieve the miracle of change, and the birth of a new, clean, honorable, honorable, prosperous, and capable Lebanon.


And every year and you, Lebanon and the world

Good health and peace.

Media department

Lebanon on December 24 – 25 2021

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